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Beef Stew Recipes

beef stew recipes

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A tasty beef stew is one of the go-to foods for cold winter weather. Popular around the world, except perhaps in India, a ton of recipes have been made over the years. The first evidence of stew making dates back over 8000 years ago. Utensils like turtle shells were used as cooking pots by ancient tribes like the Amazons. Also in the old Greek and Roman culture there are numerous stories and recipes about stew. Luckily for us, a lot of these books and manuscripts still exist. So if you’re curious, you can look into these books online and perhaps try one of the long lost beef stew recipes.

What do you need in beef stew recipes?

It all depends on your personal taste, but of course a fresh piece of beef is the cornerstone of a beef stew. Since most of these so-called ‘brown stews’ are cooked for a couple of hours on a low fire, you might want to pick a more fatty part of meat. This way you ensure the meat won’t turn too dry after all the hours of cooking. The general consensus regarding beef stews is the combining of solid foods in a liquid, like water or broth. You can pick any ingredient you like and add this to your stew. Adding beverages like beer or wine gives the beef stew its characteristical strong flavour.

Popular beef stew recipes

If you’re not in the mood of creating your own beef stew recipe, you can of course pick a ready-made one. Travel all around the world and experience surprising recipes and ingredients. Enjoy the soul of Russia with beef Stroganoff, taste the typical French beef bourguignon or see for yourself what the Pakistani can do with their Haleem. The possibilities are endless, every well made beef stew is a gift for your taste buds.

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Check out my Beef Stew Recipes

Dutch Beef Hachée

Dutch Beef Hachée

This is a real winter blast, dedicated to all beef lovers – Dutch Beef Hachée. The Hachée comes from the French word ‘hacher’, which means to mince or chop. This recipe is a Dutch production of my boyfriend, accompanied by healthy side dishes – cooked red cabbage and boiled potatoes. The beef in this recipe is so smooth that it reminds me a bit of baby food, of course, made for adults. My first memory of this recipe goes to the early stage of my motherhood. I was still in the hospital when my boyfriend made it for me. Well, …
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Beef Vodka Stroganoff

Beef Vodka Stroganoff

This recipe is very common in my small family. We love it, especially during The Christmas Season. I ask for it every year as this isn’t my creation. When to have the pleasure of being served if not at The Christmas, right. Incredibly satisfying and humble dish – Beef Vodka Stroganoff. As per its name the origin comes from Russia, noted from the mid 19th century. This stew is very popular among the whole world, therefore, there are many variations of it. Our family recipe includes vodka and rice. You can make it luxurious with a top beef cut or …
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Amazing Beer Stew

Today I chose to prepare a beautiful dish, inspired by the Flemish and the Czech, both wonderful cuisines – “Bier Stoofvlees” or Pivní guláš – Amazing Beer Stew. My brother is coming over to visit and let me tell you, this dish represents everything he loves. Sweetness and tenderness of delicious beef cut, quality crispy bacon and bitterness of his favourite Bernard beer. The only thing you need to prepare is the time to let it cook. Beer Stew will do its magic itself. Eet smakelijk or Dobrou chuť! Total Time: 3 hours Shopping list 1kg of Chuck Roast Tender …
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