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Dutching Curd Cake with Blueberries

Dutching curd cake
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In 1828, Dutch chemist named Van Houten invented a new technique of using a large hydraulic press to separate the cocoa butter from the chocolate liquor. This new process reduced the fat content of cocoa to 25% from 50 % and primed it to become ground into powder. This type of cocoa is called Dutch processed cocoa powder, which makes chocolate darker and milder. The processing of chocolate became known as “Dutching”, and therefore, I present you Dutching Curd Cake with Blueberries.

My favourite “Dutching” tart has a very smooth and fresh texture. It tastes very luxurious and light at the same time.

Dutching Curd Cake with Blueberries is suitable for babies 2+ because of the presence of milk, sour cream and nuts. The cake is nicely moist, which makes perfect for any birthday party or family gathering. Kids will love it, trust me on that.

Total Time: 1 hour 30 minutes + few hours sit in the fridge

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The Base:
200g of semi-coarse flour (100g of strong wheat flour + 100g of plain flour), sifted
1 teaspoon of baking powder
100g of caster superfine sugar
2 yolks
50g of coconut flakes
50g of ground walnuts
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
120g of butter, cold in cubes
1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

The Filling:
100g of caster superfine sugar
2 packages of vanilla sugar
1 package of vanilla pudding mix
2-3 handfuls of fresh or frozen blueberries
500g of semi-fat curd
1 sour cream
100ml of milk


Preheat the oven to 150 degrees.

Place the baking paper into the lightly greased round springform cake tin (I used 25cm).

The Base

In a large mixing bowl mix all the ingredients for The Base: flour with baking powder, sugar, yolks, coconut, walnuts, cocoa, butter and cinnamon. Around the two-thirds of the mixture press gently with your fist in the bottom of the form. The remaining one-third of The Base set aside.

The Filling

In another wide large mixing bowl whisk the ingredients for The Filling: sugars (100g of caster sugar + 1 package of vanilla sugar), vanilla pudding mix, curd, sour cream and milk.

In a small mixing bowl stir the blueberries with 1 package of vanilla sugar.


Place the first layer of The Filling on The Base.

Next, sprinkle the blueberry mixture over and cover with another layer of The Filling. Finish with the remaining one-third of The Base.

Bake the Dutching curd cake in the oven for about 1 hour until the middle part thickens and doesn’t move too much when you shake it. Let it cool down entirely and refrigerate for couple of hours. So yummy!

Makes 12 serves.

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