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Birthday Recipes

Ready to celebrate?

Happy Birthday to you all!

How often do you hear or say this phrase? Do you belong to those who do not like to celebrate? Perhaps you may be in my group, which enjoys the celebrations. It is up to everyone. You can celebrate by gaming alone, somewhere out in the nature or at a glamorous party full of people. Having my lovely blog Culinary Talks, I like to take time and prepare properly for any kind of event. That doesn’t mean lots of presents, nor fancy decorations or treats. However, I love doing something special for myself, and for people I care about.

Everyone likes to eat and drink. Therefore, I believe that Birthday treats are something we have all in common. So let’s get together and think special. Do not hesitate to give me feedback on your favourites.

When I was younger, I used to celebrate with my classmates and friends. At first, my mom always offered locally known finger food and cakes with candles. I even remember the old fashioned salted snack, always locked up in a closet for some special days to be taken out.

basic salsa

Later on, I preferred drinks over the food: cocktails, cocktail pyramid, shots and champagne. The more, the better. After I beat the smoking habit, I’ve learnt to accompany a drink with some nice bites. My most favourite are homemade nachos with any kind of salsa and dip. I love to explore new ones, so these ones have been added to my every week’s culinary schedule.

Nowadays, I prefer the comfort food to dine, easy inspirational bites to enjoy and sweets to smile, of course. I never say NO to a glass of good wine either. I try to please everyone around me: my chocolaty dad, my vanilla boyfriend, my bacon bro and my playful baby girl.
As My Birthday is in The Summer Season, ever since I remember I have always had a strawberry/berry jelly sponge cake. Let me tell you, I have never been a huge fan of it, but that’s what I’ve got. After all these years, my taste has changed and I am recently making those cakes for myself. That’s ironic!

On this page I provide you a complete list of my favourite Birthday Recipes – from appetizers to mains, through easy creams to more time consuming layer cakes. Find yours and have fun with it!

Should you seek for more inspiration, sign up to my newsletter and never miss my new posts. Happy Birthday to you all!

Sing, eat and love,

Kristina – Culinary Talks


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Browse below all my Birthday recipes