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Super Cheesecake with Cherries

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As I previously mentioned the combination of cheesecake and fruits is my beloved one. This is my first and a basic recipe made of simple quark that doesn’t darken after baking at all. Actually, when I was a kid, we had a vanilla quark dessert that tasted just like it. My thanks for the inspiration go to my lovely uncle, who provided me with this beauty right here. As we jumped right in The Summer Season, I topped up my Super Cheesecake with a homemade cherry treat. Bake with me and enjoy!

Super Cheesecake with Cherries is suitable for kids from the age of 2, because of a possible egg white intolerance.

Total Time: 1 hour 15 minutes + an overnight chill in the fridge

Shopping List

The Base:
200g of favourable digestive biscuits, mashed
100g of butter, soft in cubesThe Cheese:
750g of low-fat soft quark
250g of sour cream
2 packages of good quality vanilla sugar
50g of caster superfine sugar
2 whole eggs
2 heaped tablespoons of plain flour, sifted

The Cherry Sauce:
200g of fresh cherries, washed and deseeded
Few spoons of caster superfine sugar

Few cherries to decorate

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

The Cheesecake Base

First, place the biscuits and butter in a large mixing bowl and mix with hands or mixer until homogenous texture.

Next, mold it into lightly greased springform lined with some baking paper (I used 26cm). Press gently with your fingertips and bake in the oven for about 10 minutes until golden.

Take it out and let it cool down a bit.

The Cheese

In a large mixing bowl put quark, sour cream and sugars. Whisk on low speed until incorporated.

Start adding eggs, one at a time. First, on low speed until running, then, increase the speed to the highest.

Mold the Filling onto The Base and continue baking for about 45 minutes until firm and little runny in the middle. Then, turn off the heat and open the oven for about 15 more minutes.

Let the cheesecake cool down entirely and refrigerate overnight.

The Cherry Sauce

Place the cherries in a medium deep pan and cover with caster sugar. At this stage you can put a lid on and leave in a cold place until the next day. If you do so, all the juice will get released. Therefore, spoon the fruits out onto a pan and cook only that. Save all the remaining juice with its bits and refrigerate. This makes the perfect syrup.

You can also cook it straight away if there is no time. Let it just simmer on medium heat until marmalade like texture.

First, it becomes foamy and it reduces, afterwards. Try to test consistency: place a bit of marmalade on a small plate. If it isn’t too liquid, you are good to go. Turn off the heat, mold it into a clean glass jar. Close it tight and wrap in a warm blanket until it cools down.

The Cheesecake Presentation

Take the cheesecake out of the fridge and decorate with some fresh cherries. In the middle place a generous amount of The Cherry Sauce.

If you are interested in more cheesecake recipes, check out my page right here.

Makes 10 serves.

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