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Glamorous Pumpkin Pie

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Two years ago, when someone mentioned the pumpkins, I was rather reserved. I didn’t really know what to do with them and I didn’t have the knowledge how to combine them with other food. Nowadays, I really did learn. Pumpkin and squash are regulars during the whole period of the Fall in my kitchen. I love to create pumpkin savory and sweet dishes. As with any other projects, I am happy that the period takes only some part of the year. However, that is why I love the seasons. My first time – Glamorous Pumpkin Pie.

When I was younger, I knew pumpkins only baked, which is delicious by the way. In countries like Bulgaria, they offer them regularly outside the Fall and winter months. Just the same way as in many other countries you find during the whole year roasted chestnuts.
Later on, I happened to taste the master of Balkan cuisine – Sweet Banitsa, which is Bulgarian Pumpkin Pie. The combination of spices and nuts just work so well with the pumpkin. And that is how I created my special pumpkin treat.
The glamorous pastry dough is incredibly fluffy, crispy and delicious. The pie itself is very light and easygoing. Therefore, I topped it up with cinnamon whipped cream, which underlines the spiciness within. Enjoy the harvest season and try my version for any festive occasion: Christmas, Halloween or Thanksgiving! Bon Appetite!

My pumpkin pie is suitable for kids 3 plus, because a possible egg white intolerance and presence of nuts allergens. Kids really love this pastry especially. Do not throw any of the pastry dough leftovers, they make the best snack.

Total Time: 1 hour + 1 hour of chilling the pastry dough

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Pastry Dough:
250g of all-purpose flour, sifted
A pinch of sea salt
60g of icing sugar, sifted
1 teaspoon of lemon zest
1 whole egg
150g of butter, cold in cubes
5 tablespoons of ice cold water

The Crumble:
25g of finely chopped walnuts with some pieces
2 teaspoons of raw sugar
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon

The Filling:
2 cups of cooked pumpkin (I used Hokkaido around 400g of cleaned pumpkin)
3 tablespoons of good quality honey
2 tablespoons of crème fraîche
Juice from 1/2 lemon
1 teaspoon of pumpkin spice/gingerbread spice/mixture of cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, ginger, coriander, anise, black pepper
2 whole eggs

Cinnamon Whipped Cream:
250ml double cream
2 tablespoons of icing sugar, sifted
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon

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The Pastry Dough

Place the flour and salt in a large mixing bowl. Add sugar, lemon zest and egg. Stir.

Next, throw all the butter in and start kneading a dough. Start pouring the ice cold water and knead until you get a perfect texture. The pastry dough should not stick to the bowl, nor to your hands.

Wrap in a cling foil sheet and refrigerate for about 1 hour.

The Crumble

In a small mixing bowl place the walnuts, sugar and cinnamon. Mix well with spoon and set aside.

The Filling

The most important ingredient – pumpkin. Chop it in cubes and place in a small deep pan covered with hot boiling water. Cook until soft for about 10-15 minutes, depending on size.

Once it is done, take it all out and place in a hand blender. Blend and let it cool down to a room temperature. Done.

Flavour the pumpkin up with some honey, crème fraîche and lemon juice. Blend. Taste.

Mold the mixture into a medium mixing bowl and add spices. Start mixing on low-speed and gradually add eggs, one at a time. When it gets really smooth and shiny, it is done, for about 3 minutes.

Once the pastry dough has been chilled, preheat the oven to 160 degrees.


Work fast with a pastry dough, so it won’t get too buttery. Take it out of the fridge and roll out between 2 sheets of cling foil. Just a bit larger round as your baking form is.

My culinary tip is to dip a fork in flour and run the circuit. Press gently, first vertically, then horizontally. If the edge is too buttery, dip it in the flour some more.
You can also roll the dough out into a large shape. From the rest of the dough you can make beautiful figures with the cutters. If you still have some pastry dough left, do not throw it away. Create small balls and flatten them gently with your palm. Place in the oven together with the pie. Amazing with cup of tea.

Mold it gently into a lightly greased pie form (I used 26cm). Work the edges into perfection.

Mold The Filling onto The Pastry Dough and bake for about 10 minutes in the oven.

Next, take it out and sprinkle with the crumble. Gently place the figures of leaves, flowers or hearts on top. Brush with the rest of the egg and bake for 30 more minutes until the pumpkin pie becomes golden and baked through.

Take the pie out and let it cool down entirely.

The Cinnamon Whipped Cream

Mold the cream into a small metal bowl and start whipping on low-speed.

Flavour up with icing sugar and cinnamon. Continue whipping until you get soft peaks.

Serve with a dollop of whipped cream and slice the pumpkin pie into heaven.

Makes 8 serves.

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