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Pink Vanilla Cupcakes

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Easy Pink Vanilla Cupcakes Classics, a perfect cupcake base for any other topping. The dough itself is little thicker, so it carries any weight on top. Decorate with your little ones and have fun with it. Yummy!

I decided to share with you 2 of my very favourite pink toppings. The Strawberry Topping is to die for, very satisfying treat, although it is not as thick as The Pudding one. The Pudding Topping is less sweet than a classic buttercream. You can really taste the richness of the pudding and it holds the cupcakes just perfectly. Choose for yourself and have a blast!

Suitable for babies 2+ because of a possible egg white intolerance and presence of milk and chocolate.

Total Time: 1 hour

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The Strawberry Topping:
100g of double cream, whipped
3 big strawberries, chopped and mashed
50g of soft curd
1-2 tablespoons of icing sugar (depends on sweetness of the strawberries)

The Dough:
120g of butter, soft in cubes
120g of caster superfine sugar
1 teaspoon of good quality vanilla extract
2 whole eggs
120g of plain flour, sifted
1 teaspoon of baking powder, sifted
A pinch of sea salt

The Pudding Topping:
200ml of milk
20g of favourable pudding powder mix (I used wild berries)
125g of butter, soft in cubes
100g of icing sugar, sifted

2 strawberries, 2 cubes of quality dark chocolate (I used 60%) and silver sugar balls or any sugar figures to decorate

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The Strawberry Topping

Whip the cream and stir in strawberries. Add curd and mix well with a mixer to get a smooth texture. Place in a cold place to rest.

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees.

The Dough

In a large mixing bowl place butter, sugar and vanilla extract. Mix well on high-speed until if becomes nicely foamy and bright, for about 2 minutes. Scrap the cream from sides of the bowl with spatula.

Slowly stir in the eggs (one at a time) and continue mixing for about 5 minutes. The texture needs to rise and become whiter and fluffier.

In a smaller mixing bowl, place flour with baking powder and pinch of salt. Slowly stir the mix into the 1st liquid bowl (half at a time).
The dough is nicely smooth and still a bit liquid.

Lightly grease the cupcake forms with butter or olive oil. Pour 2 tablespoons of The Dough into each form, up to two-thirds of its content. If you make them too full, no harm done, they will just rise little more in the middle. If you want them nicely flat, don’t make the cups too full.

Smoothen with a small spoon and bake in the oven for about 25 minutes until wooden stick comes clean and cupcake gives you a nice resistance. Take them all out and let them cool down completely.

The Pudding Topping

In a small deep pan cook pudding on medium heat. Pour in the milk and pudding powder mix. Stir.

Mix constantly until the boiling point. Wait until it thickens a bit and take off the heat. Let it cool down for a bit.

Meanwhile in a medium mixing bowl ease the butter. Add icing sugar and whisk it until very smooth texture, for about 2 minutes on high-speed.

Next, stir in the pudding and mix until perfection.


Once the cupcakes are cooled down entirely, start decorating.

Take 2 long glasses and place decorating bags with a petal nozzle in each of them.
Put The Strawberry Topping and The Pudding Topping in.

When you spiral cupcakes from the outside to inside, they will be higher on top like clouds. If you do the opposite direction, from in to out, you get a resemblance of a rose. Always pour little more cream in the middle and continue spiraling to outside.

Finish with grated chocolate and strawberries. Sprinkle with sugar balls, butterflies, no limits to imagination. Voilà!

Makes 12 cupcakes.

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