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Basic Sour Cherry Marmalade

sour cherry marmalade
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This recipe is very easy as it is with my other preserve recipes. However, for sour cherry marmalade it is quite crucial, what sort of fruit you are processing. Firstly, I have got lovely large sour cherries. Those are perfect to be laid overnight and covered with sugar. During the cooking process, you create a real Dutch delicacy, so called ‘stroop‘, caramel like texture. More known with apples only, especially in the Netherlands, but you can make it with berries or cherries as well.

Whether you are dealing with the really sour stuff like myself, process sour cherries straight away as they become quite juicy. It is better to cook them longer and make a sour cherry jam. As this jam is a great sour cherry base, it is ideal for pairing with meats, butter pie crust or as an addition to heavier chutneys. Yummy, yummy – Let’s start!

Basic Sour Cherry Marmalade is suitable for kids from the age of 1. Depending on the amount of sugar, offer on a piece of bread as an afternoon snack or breakfast.

Total Time: 30 minutes + 1.5 hour of cooking

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3kg of sour cherries, washed, cleaned and deseeded
500g-1kg of gelling sugar, depending on the acidity of sour cherries (I used 1:1)


First, place all the sour cherries into a large and deep non sticking casserole pan on medium heat. Let it simmer for about 45 minutes until it melts beautifully.

Add all the sugar in and taste. It should be sour and sweet at the same time. Mix and let it become a beautiful jelly for about 40 more minutes. Stir occasionally.

Mold the jam into clean glass jars and close them tightly. Wrap in a warm blanket and let them cool down completely.

Makes 5 medium jars.

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