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Easy Pizza Dough

easy pizza dough
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Many people think that the real pizza dough is time-consuming. I don’t think so at all. Let me be honest, I make this recipe almost every week. It is a must in my small family. Prepare the dough the evening ahead, so it gets the best texture. The only thing you need is the strength. However, you can always ask your stronger half or use a machine. Every time I make Easy Pizza Dough, it makes 2 baking trays.

To have some variation, I used to make one with some favourite pizza tomato topping. The second one is my personal favourite – Tarte flambée. This delicacy is incredibly stunning, ideal for any easy dinner or glamorous gathering with friends. It brings a simple pizza dough to a different level. Snack with me and enjoy it!

Total Time: 1 day

Shopping List

The Dough:
20g of fresh yeast
1 teaspoon of caster sugar
500g of plain flour, sifted
2 tablespoons of olive oil
Sea salt

Pizza Topping:
1 tin of good quality chopped tomatoes
1 teaspoon of sharena sol (the mixture of sea salt, smoked paprika and satureja)
2 handfuls of spinach, washed
6 slices of chorizo
1 egg, lightly whisked
1 square of creamy cheese
Mozzarella Cheese, grated
1 teaspoon of dried oregano

Tarte Flambée Topping:
200g of a good quality bacon, diced
3 large red onions, thinly sliced
100g of crème fraîche
200g Ricotta Cheese
A splash of olive oil
Sea salt


The Dough

One day ahead:

Activate the yeast by combining lukewarm water, yeast and sugar in a cup. Stir together gently and let sit for about 30 minutes until the mixture raises and becomes bubbly.

Place the flour with a pinch of salt in a large bowl and make a well in the middle.

Pour in the yeast and add olive oil. Mix well until you get an elastic, smooth texture. I always add around 1 mug of lukewarm water during the process.

Next, sprinkle with the flour, cover the bowl with a cloth and set it in a warm place until it doubles its size, for at least 1 hour. Knead for a bit from time to time.

After it rises, knead the dough once again, try to push air out with your hands. Nicely wrap the dough overnight in the fridge.

Next day:

Once The Dough is chilled enough, divide it into 2 pieces and roll them out into a round or rectangle, depending on your baking trays. Add pinch of olive oil and continue kneading and pushing until smooth airy texture.

Tarte Flambée

Heat up a splash of olive oil in a frying pan on medium heat. Add the bacon and roast until brown and crispy. Then take the bacon out on a paper towel to absorb the extra fat.

Add the onions to the pan and season with salt. Put a lid on and bake on medium heat until golden, for about 10 minutes. Then remove the lid and bake on low heat for about 40 more minutes until the onions are really soft, sweet and caramelized. Stir occasionally.


Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.

In a small bowl mix the Crème fraîche with ricotta. Set aside.

1st baking tray:
Prepare your pizza topping up to your imaginary. Pour in tomatoes on the 1st piece of the dough and season well with satureja and chili. Add creamy cheese, spinach and chorizo on the top. Splash the egg over the surface and sprinkle with oregano.

5 minutes before they are ready, add the grated cheese over the pizza. Let it melt for about 1-2 minutes in the oven.

2nd baking tray:
Pour in the white sauce over the 2nd piece of the dough. Add bacon and caramelized onions on the top. Place both trays in the oven and bake for about 10-15 minutes until nicely crispy and bake through.

Makes 6-8 serves.



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