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Easy Student Snack

Student Snack
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Why student? This salad brings me back to my student years, when I used to prepare it at home quite often. Of course, back then I was used to different techniques: pretty much throwing all in. I also didn’t think much about the quality of ingredients. Nowadays, I care more about how I combine ingredients and whether I work with good food. However, the result in taste is very similar. I used to call it “the elephant food”. Do not ask me why, please.

Great with a fresh baguette or ciabatta as an easy lunch or dinner. Enjoy!

Total Time: 20 minutes

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3 whole eggs
1 large shallot, peeled and finely chopped
A splash of olive oil
2 teaspoons of Dijon mustard, 2 teaspoons of Bavarian mustard
A splash of spicy ketchup
A splash of Worcestershire sauce
A splash of Soy sauce
Sea salt, ground black pepper
200g of good favourable ham, diced
3 large sweet and sour pickles, finely chopped
2 heaped teaspoons of sweet corn
2 slices of matured cheese, chopped
3 heaped tablespoons of mayonnaiseFresh bread to serve with


First, boil the eggs in a deep pan filled with salted water. Lower the heat to medium, cover with a lid and simmer for about 10 minutes until hard boiled.

Meanwhile, throw the onion into a small frying pan with some olive oil on high heat. Sauté for about 2-3 minutes until softened.

Stir in both mustard, ketchup, Worcestershire and Soy sauces and season well with sea salt and pepper. Mix and warm it up for about 1 more minute. Taste and take off the heat. Set aside to cool down a bit.

In a large mixing bowl place ham, pickles, corn and cheese. Cover with the onion mixture and give it a good stir.

Add mayonnaise, eggs and taste. Season accordingly with some salt or add more ketchup for the taste. Done.

Makes 5 serves and completes the first part of the Easy Student Snack.

Student Snack


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