Total Time: 30 minutes + overnight chill in the fridge
Shopping List
A pinch of black pepper, nutmeg and ground cumin
150g of good quality lard (I used duck fat)
Kosher salt
3 medium shallots, peeled and sliced
120ml of Marsala wine
50g of butter
Fresh baguettes, chutney or almond flakes to serve with

Melt a knob of lard in a medium frying pan or work on high heat. Add livers and roast until they get golden all the way through, for about 4 minutes. Stir.
Once they are baked through, lightly season with salt and taste.
Next, shallots in. Add another knob of lard and sauté for about 3 more minutes until they get beautifully brown.
Baste with Marsala Wine and reduce. Taste and season with some more salt if needed.
Take off the heat and let it cool down for a while.
Meanwhile take the butter and rest of the lard out of fridge and let it melt for a bit in room temperature.
After 15 minutes, place all the livers with shallots in 3 parts into a hand blender. Every time you place 1 part inside, add a knob of lard as well and blend. Continue until all the livers are processed and there is no lard left. In the finale, the consistency should be very creamy and smooth. Taste.
Mold the rabbit pâté into a clean glass jar. Pour melted butter on the top and refrigerate at least overnight, so the flavour comes within.
The rabbit pâté is great with fresh baked baguettes, my pumpkin chutney and/or cranberries. Bon appetit!
Makes 6 serves.