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New Year’s Duck Meat Burgers

Duck Meat Burgers
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To be perfectly honest, I don’t mind the New Year celebrations. There is nothing wrong in gathering with people you love and preparing some little specials. You don’t even need to have a special day for it. There is always room to go for your classic snacks, but changing it a bit, makes it very memorable. Trust me! This year I got inspired by my favourite Czech cook and I processed duck meat leftovers – therefore New Year’s Duck Meat Burgers.Whether you roast duck meat, breasts or other parts prepared in any kind of techniques, there is always some meat left for the next day. Usually,  it isn’t as delicious as fresh. That’s why I combined it with onion relish and a lighter version of mayonnaise. I served it with freshly baked buns, melted slice of cheddar cheese and fries. No limits to imagination!

Have a great jump into 2019 and Happy New Year!

Duck Meat Burgers

My Duck Meat Burgers are suitable for kids from the age of 3. I skipped the onion relish and instead of mayo, I layered the bun with 1 tablespoon of Greek yoghurt. Bon appetit!

Total Time: 40 minutes

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The Onion Relish:
2 large red onions, peeled and finely chopped
A splash of olive oil, sea salt, ground black pepper
2 tablespoons of cane sugar
A splash of juice from ½ orange
50ml of Balsamic vinegar
Lighter Mayonnaise:
3 tablespoons of good quality mayonnaise
2 tablespoons of Greek plain yoghurt
A splash of lemon juice

150g of good quality baked leftover duck meat
3 slices of matured Cheddar cheese
3 fresh buns

French fries to serve with


The Onion Relish

First, sauté the onions on high heat in a medium frying pan. Add a splash of olive oil and season with salt, pepper and 2 tablespoons of cane sugar.

Let it caramelize, then pour in the orange juice and Balsamic vinegar. Reduce and lower the heat to low. Cover with a lid and simmer for about 20 minutes until it becomes a marmalade texture like. Taste and season accordingly.

Lighter Mayonnaise

Meanwhile The Relish is cooking, mix in a small serving bowl mayo, yoghurt and lemon juice. Taste and set aside.


Once The Onion Relish has been reduced properly, add a splash of olive oil into a large frying pan and place the halved buns in. Roast until golden from both sides. Once you flip them, layer with slices of Cheddar, so it melts beautifully.

Duck Meat Burgers

Start layering the burgers: 1 tablespoon of Lighter Mayonnaise, good amount of The Onion Relish on top. Finish with warmed up Duck meat and cover with ½ of the bun with melted cheese. Serve warm with some baked fries and cold lager.
Should you be interested in more tips for New Year’s specials, check out my page here.

Makes 3 serves.

Duck Meat Burgers


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