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Turkey Skewers with Honey Mustard Dip

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Light, fresh and incredibly delicious – Turkey Skewers with Honey Mustard Dip. This meal is very summerish, impressive and tasty. You can prepare it with any kind of meat. I went for a lighter poultry version with curried sweet and spicy turkey bits, accompanied by a stunning honey mustard dip. Serve with vegetable skewers as per in my recipe Sausages with BBQ vegetable skewers. A total success guaranteed!

Total Time: 40 minutes + few hours to marinate the meat

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Turkey Skewers:
800g of good quality Turkey filet, cleaned, drained and chopped
2 splashes of olive oil
1 teaspoon of curry powder, turmeric, Provencal Herbs, Basil, chili flakes, smoked sweet paprika
Sea salt and ground black pepper

Honey Mustard Dip:
2 tablespoons of good quality honey
1 tablespoon of Dijon Mustard
1 tablespoon of mayonnaise
A splash of juice from lemon
A pinch of sea salt and black pepper

Vegetable Skewers as per in my recipe Sausages with BBQ vegetable skewers:
8 small spring potatoes, washed, peeled and halved
1 large zucchini, washed and sliced
1 large green pepper, washed, cleaned and diced
150g of chestnut mushrooms, cleaned and halved (caps only)
2 medium shallots, peeled and sliced
1 teaspoon of paprika powder, Provencal Herbs, Satureja
Pinch of chili flakes
Sea Salt and ground black pepper
2 splashes of olive oil

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Turkey Skewers

First, marinate the turkey. Place all meat chunks into a medium metal mixing bowl.
Sprinkle with oil and season with salt and pepper. Add all spices and herbs (curry powder, turmeric, Provencal Herbs, Basil, chili flakes and smoked sweet paprika).

Give it a good stir with a metal spoon. Then create smaller or larger skewers, up to your liking. Place all bits on wooden skewers and cover with a cling foil. Transfer into a cold place until further processing.

Few hours later

Pre-boil the potatoes in a large pot filled with salted cold water. Bring the water to the boiling point and cook for about 10 minutes until the potatoes get a bit softer. Do not cook them all the way through, so they won’t fall off the skewers.
Take them out and let them cool down.

Honey Mustard Dip

In a small bowl place honey, Dijon Mustard, mayonnaise, lemon, salt and pepper. Mix well with a balloon whisk until it gets a very smooth texture. Taste and season accordingly. Cover with aluminium foil and refrigerate until serving. Just before serving, do not forget to mix it well.

Vegetable Skewers

In a large mixing bowl place all vegetables (potatoes, zucchini, pepper, mushrooms and shallots). Sprinkle with oil, season with salt and pepper. Add all spice and herbs (paprika powder, Provencal Herbs, satureja, chili). Mix well and place onto the wooden skewers. Cover with some cling foil and refrigerate until further processing.


Depending on how much time you have, start roasting. The longer you marinate the meat, the better, of course.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Place all turkey skewers on a grill. Underneath place one baking tray covered with aluminium foil. This way all the extra fat won’t leak all over the place.
Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes, 15 minutes from each side.
Then, add the vegetables skewers and increase the temperature to 200 degrees. Continue baking for 15 minutes more until the vegetables get nicely crispy and the meat is cooked all the way through, but still juicy.

Take all the skewers out and serve with Honey Mustard Dip. My tip is to top it up with homemade Ljutenica.

Makes 4 serves.

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