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Strawberry Baby Specials

Strawberry baby specials
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Happy Children’s Day everyone. When I was a kid, my mom used to take us to the Pizza Hut or the McDonald’s. I am pretty sure my daughter would appreciate it, too. However, I decided to dedicate this one to my favourite strawberries. Who wouldn’t love them? Sweet, juicy and so pretty! Strawberry Baby Specials, here we go. My Strawberry Baby Specials are suitable for toddlers from the age of 2, because of the sweetness and the allergen of strawberries.

Comforting Strawberry Dumplings

One of my Strawberry Baby Specials are Comforting Strawberry Dumplings, a are very typical sweet dish in Slovakia. There are several methods on how to make the dough: potatoes, flour, polenta, porridge, quark, etc. You can also leave them plain or fill them up with seasonal fruits, marmalades or nougat. No limits to imagination! I provide you with my personal best and let me tell you, this dough is a pleasure to work with. Total Time: 45 minutes

Shopping List

150g of semi-coarse flour, sifted 90g of porridge, sifted 1 package of vanilla sugar 50g of caster superfine sugar 1 whole egg 250g of soft and creamy quark 30g of butter, meltedAround 15 large strawberries, washed and cleaned + melted butter, cinnamon sugar and roasted almond flakes to serve with


In a large mixing bowl place flour, porridge, sugars and mix. Afterwards, stir in 1 egg, quark and melted butter. Start mixing with a spatula until you get a homogenous texture, for about 2-3 minutes. Then, mold onto your working board and knead some more with hands. Form it into a roller shape and cut out 12 equal slices. Next, take each slice piece by piece and flatten with your palm. Put 1 strawberry in the middle. Wrap it gently into a ball and roll on your working board into a perfection. Continue with all the dough. Meanwhile, boil a large deep pot with a pinch of sea salt. Once the water is boiling, lower the heat to low and gently soak all the dumplings in. Cook for about 12 minutes, depending on the size. They should all come to the surface.


Take them out and transfer into a large serving bowl. Melt some butter over them. I always serve them with melted butter, but at this stage it is also important to grease them a little bit, so they won’t stick to each other. Serve this awesome Strawberry Baby Special with cinnamon sugar, roasted almond flakes, melted butter and slice into heaven. Makes 12 large dumplings.

Basic Porridge with the Yummy Twist

I don’t know about you, but I just love a good milk porridge. As I was told, I’ve always loved it: strawberry, vanilla, basic with cocoa powder or plain just like that. So why not make your own, it is so easy! Another one of Strawberry Baby Specials: Basic Porridge with the Yummy Twist inspired by my favourite cooking show. Total Time: 15 minutes

Shopping List

The Basic Porridge: 250ml of milk 25g of wheat porridge 10g of caster sugar A knob of butterFresh fruits, cocoa powder or cinnamon to serve with The Yummy Twist: 500ml of milk 50g of wheat porridge 2 tablespoons of shredded coconut 2 tablespoons of caster sugar A knob of butter White chocolate, fresh strawberries, shredded coconut and grated chocolate to decorate


First, warm up the milk in a small deep pan. Add porridge, sugar and mix until the boiling point. Then, lower the heat to medium and constantly mix until it thickens, for about 1-2 more minutes. Afterwards, take off the heat and stir in a knob of butter. In a serving plate or bowl place the fresh fruit and cover with warm porridge straight away. You can enjoy it immediately or let it cool down and refrigerate until serving. Just before serving, sprinkle this Strawberry Baby Special with your favourite topping.

The Yummy Twist

In a small deep pan pour milk and warm it up a bit. Then, stir in porridge, coconut and sugar. Bring it to boil, mix until thickened and take off the heat. Stir in the butter. In a serving bowl place a few cubes of white chocolate in the bottom and cover with fresh strawberries. Give the porridge a last good stir and pour it over. Let it cool down and sprinkle with shredded coconut, grated white chocolate and pieces of strawberries on top. Makes 2 serves of The Basic Porridge and 4 serves of The Yummy Twist.

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