This came as a complete freestyle on a random week day. My daughter loves the yellow colour. Therefore, I told myself: why not to combine what she likes. Plus it is also very nutritious, indeed – Yellow Healthy Risotto.
This easy and fast meal is suitable for kids from the age of 2. Make your food easy & happy!
Total Time: 25 minutes
1 teaspoon of ground turmeric
4 cloves
A pinch of Vegeta Spice Natur/sea salt optional
A splash of olive oil
1 small yellow zucchini, washed, cleaned and diced
3 small carrots, peeled, washed and diced
4 cherry tomatoes, washed and chopped
2 handfuls of champignons, cleaned and sliced
A pinch of sea salt
1 teaspoon of sesame seeds
2-3 handfuls of fresh baby spinachPecorino cheese to serve with
First, put rice in a small deep pan and cover with the double amount of hot boiling water on medium heat. Flavour up with turmeric, cloves and Vegeta. Put a lid on and cook until al dente. Stir occasionally and taste.
Second, in a small frying pan add a splash of olive oil on high heat. Stir in zucchini, carrots and sauté for about 1-2 minutes. Stir in the tomatoes and let them release their juice.

Then, add champignons and season with salt.
Sauté for another 2 minutes and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Lower the temperature until the rice is done. Afterwards, stir in the rice into the mixture and baste with little bit of rice water on high heat. Stir fry the Yellow Healthy Risotto for another minute and lower the temperature to medium.

In the finale, add spinach and mix until it is wilted out. Yummy.
Take off the heat and serve warm with some Pecorino cheese.
Makes 4 baby serves.