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Healthy Snacks That Actually Taste Delicious

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Summer is here and it is essential to keep yourself healthy and hydrated in the sweltering heat. The great news is that eating healthy is not as complicated as you think. There are endless dishes that are meant to be enjoyed in the summer and are actually healthy! 

A protein rich diet is what you should be eating in the heat. Dietitians attest that it helps to keep your body strong and immune to diseases. However, there seems to be a prevalent misconception that these healthy food items do not taste good and that whatever is tasty is
never healthy.
On this post, I’m challenging these false beliefs by sharing a list of 5 flavorful hearty and healthy snacks that actually taste good.They are packed with protein & carbohydrates that will keep you full and nourished during summer days, be sure to give them a try!

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Tomato and spinach soup is one of the best vegan treats that can hold you over before dinner time
comes along. But why exactly is it considered healthy?

Here are a few reasons:

  • Tomatoes and spinach contain an impressive amount of vitamin A, C, K, and B6, which helps to protect the heart and lower cholesterol levels.
  • They also contain surplus amounts of minerals, thiamin, and folate, which reduces the risk of various cardiovascular ailments including hypertension and diabetes.

As a bonus, as it contains low levels of oil, sugar, and calories, it’s a perfect dish to be enjoyed by the calorie-conscious and diabetics.


  • Cherry/red tomatoes – 4 to 5 pcs.
  • Spinach leaves – 3 to 4 pcs.
  • Chopped Coriander leaves (as needed)
  • Cinnamon stick – 1 pcs.
  • Cloves – 2 to 3 pcs.
  • Peppercorn – 5 pcs.
  • Bay leaf – 1 pcs.
  • Water – 2 cups.

How to prepare

Cut the tomatoes into quarters and put them in a bowl. Add the chopped spinach. Pour the water in and bring it to boil. Add the vegetables, let them boil until they become soft and mash them into a fine thick paste. You can then take the spices (bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, and peppercorns) and blend them together. Add salt, black pepper powder, and sugar as you like into the mix.
Mix the spice with the vegetables and strain it using a strainer. You may then add carrots and beetroot; this is optional, yet can enhance soup’s flavors and its health benefits. For example, if you add carrot and beetroot which is easily available in during the winter, this will surely help you palate your appetite and please your taste buds. Finally, you can garnish the soup with coriander leaves and serve it hot!

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Yes, you’ve read that right. Mixing yogurt and sprouts may seem strange but it is a unique combination that is as rich as gold!

This simple yet delightful snack is hearty enough to replace your breakfast, lunch or dinner. It’s a great option when you are craving something substantial yet light. Different types of sprouts are combined making this salad mouth-wobbling and rich in all kinds of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. Depending on your preference, you can add green gram sprouts, Bengal gram sprouts, bean sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, and sunflower sprouts to this salad.


  • Cucumber – 1 pcs, finely chopped.
  • Cabbage/Lettuce leaves – finely chopped.
  • Fresh Sprouts – 1 cup each (green gram, Bengal gram, bean, alfalfa, and sunflower), semi-boiled.
  • Red Onion – 50 g, finely chopped.
  • Red tomatoes/cherry tomatoes – 100 g, finely chopped.
  • Green chilies – 1-2 pcs, finely chopped.
  • Plain/natural Greek yogurt – 200 g.
  • Mint leaves (for garnish) – 2 to 3 pcs.
  • Groundnuts – 5 to 6 pcs, roasted.
  • Salt and pepper to taste

How to prepare this salad?

The preparation can serve up to 4 people. Take 1 cup each of these ready-to- serve sprouts and mix them in 1 bowl. Take a 2nd bowl and mix tomatoes, onions, and chilies to it. Take the 3rd bowl and mix cucumber and cabbage in it.

Now take a serving plate/bowl. We need to prepare this salad in layers. Bottom-most layer is the mixed cucumber and cabbage; then add mixed sprouts on it; later add veggies to it. The fourth layer is yogurt that must be later garnished with salt and pepper, ground nuts, and mint leaves. Let the yogurt roll downwards!

Sounds yummy, isn’t it? I have tried it, and it tastes delicious too.

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This treat is one of my all time favorites. It’s particularly wonderful if you’re on the hunt for something sweet yet healthy. You may have it in the mornings for breakfast, or even for your afternoon snack!

Why is this dish healthy? 

  • It contains milk which is rich in protein, calcium and various vitamins.
  • Oats are a rich source of fiber and high in protein.
  • Berries are great anti-oxidants; they enhance memory power and some help to reduce the risk of cancer. 


  • Whole/skimmed milk – 250 ml
  • Roasted Oats – 50 g
  • Chopped dry fruits (almonds, raisins, cashews) – 4-5 pcs each
  • Frozen, fresh or dried mixed berries – 20 g
  • Sugar/honey/sugar-free to taste

How to prepare

Pour the milk (preferably chilled) in a bowl. You can then add oats, dry fruits, berries, and sugar. Mix well using a spoon and it’s ready to be enjoyed! Note: Various sweetening substitutes such as honey or sugar-free can replace sugar in your meal, making it an even healthier treat.

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It is a well-known fact that salads are healthy. That said, here’s why this particular salad combination can be beneficial for your health:

  • It can reduce the impact of Alzheimer’s, improves vision, and manages hypertension.
  • The combination of avocado and broccoli is potent as it can give you glowing skin and promotes weight loss.
  • They are rich in nutrients such as iron, potassium, calcium, and vitamins; therefore, incorporating these veggies in your meal at least once a day can detoxify your body.
  • The taste of avocado and broccoli can also stimulate your taste buds and enhance your appetite. 


  • Avocado & Broccoli – 150 g (each).
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp.
  • Cabbage and lettuce leaves – 50 g
  • Cucumber or any other vegetable of choice – 20 g each
  • Coriander (for garnish)
  • Salt and pepper to taste

How to prepare this salad?

Chop all the vegetables and mix in a bowl. Add a pinch of pepper and salt to taste. Drizzle olive oil. Add additional chopped vegetables as per your preference. Toss with a spatula or your hands. Garnish with fresh, chopped coriander and it’s ready to be enjoyed for lunch or dinner!

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I adore this smoothie so much that I practically have it every day in the summertime! Mangoes are such a refreshing fruits and smoothies are always like a treat for me so I highly recommend you to try it out!
The taste of mango can make your mouth water every single time. As an added bonus, this tropical fruit is a high source of vitamins such as vitamin A, C, and D. The best part is that you need not add any sugar to this smoothie because mangoes are naturally sweeter than sugar!


  • Ripe mangoes – 2 to 3 pieces.
  • Chilled whole/skimmed milk – 250 ml.
  • Ice cubes – 4 to 5 pieces per glass.
  • Cashews – 3 to 4 pcs, finely chopped. 

How to prepare

Wash the mangoes thoroughly and peel off the skin. Chopped the peeled mangoes and blend until smooth. Add the chilled milk into the mix along with the ice cubes. Churn the mix once again until smooth. There’s no need to add sugar; however, if you wish to add a little, feel free to do so! Pour mix into a jar and garnish it with chopped cashews and mango pieces.


By Emily Taylor, contributor writer in She has a huge passion for gardening with the urge to know and control every little thing that happens inside and outside her house. When she isn’t glued to her backyard or caring for the house, she spends time writing her blog hoping to share her tips and stories to people who want to transform their house into a real paradise.
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